Bobseine weighs run for state Assembly

Michael Bobseine
At least one candidate may have emerged to run for the county’s New York state Assembly post next year.
Mike Bobseine, the one-time chair of the Chautauqua County Legislature and most recently the attorney for the city of Dunkirk, told the OBSERVER and The Post-Journal on Saturday that he is considering a run for the New York State Assembly.
In his statement, Bobseine said, “It’s been several years since I ran for an elected office, either the Chautauqua County Legislature, or the Fredonia Board of Education. I have watched anxiously as very little seems to be done to help our county and Assembly District besides much talk.
“I’ve been asked to consider running so that we will really get things done in the New York State Assembly for Chautauqua County and the District.”
Bobseine said he would want to “walk in the footsteps” of previous Assemblymembers like Rolland Kidder and William Parment if he runs.
“Rolly and Bill, they were known in Albany for working with everyone and accomplishing things that benefited our district. They were in the majority in the New York State Assembly and they could get things done. That just isn’t happening now.
“Our county and district have continually lost population and jobs. We have a high sales tax rate at 8%, and that is a regressive and burdensome tax. It hits the people who can least afford it — our middle and lower-income families, our farmers, our elderly, and those on fixed incomes — the hardest. While our current county executive and state representatives complain about taxes, they repeatedly ask for, approve, and depend on our 8% sales tax rate. We should help lead the fight to return Chautauqua County to a state-leading 7%. Let’s send that message to our residents: ‘We want you to live and work and do business here!’
“I think we need to do better,” said Bobseine, “and if I run, I promise that we will do better.”
Bobseine said that he will make a firm decision about running after the first of the year.
Incumbent state Assemblyman Andrew Goodell has served in the post since 2011.