Patriotism high in salute to region’s veterans

Photo by Forrest Fisher Medal of Honor recipient David Bellavia was a guest speaker at the WNY Veterans Day Recognition Service held at the Erie County Fair.
In a paramount public event activity at the Erie County Fair last month, Medal of Honor winner David Bellavia was a guest speaker at their Veterans Day Recognition Service. The infield of the horse racetrack was seated with about 500 people in chairs and bleachers overlooking the infield. Giant white clouds and high winds accentuated the towering flag poles bearing the American, Canadian, and POW-MIA flags.
Following the Canadian and American National Anthems played by the Pepsi All-Star Band, New York State American Legion past Vice-Commander James Bojanowski took the podium. He introduced guest speaker Dr. John Long, 97 years old, a World War veteran, who shared insight on his humble military experiences and the future.
Long was followed by WBEN Radio host, nationally famous Bellavia, who spoke about the honor of serving our military today. He addressed the public but spoke more directly to the 30 new USAF Space Force recruits on hand who were about to be inducted into active duty with the oath of enlistment. His words were powerful, non-political, and patriotic.
Bellavia spoke of the history of the WNY family of military veterans and how local veterans have become a part of a team that has shared their hard work and ability to succeed worldwide in support of American freedom in so many conflicts and wars.
He said, “There is no greater honor that exists today than that of being a military veteran. It is the honor and privilege of a lifetime. I want to thank your parents and your mentors that have taught you to accept the responsibility of serving your country. You’re going to learn to fight, to save lives, and after all that, you’re going to come home to WNY where you can share that message of service and selflessness every day.” He then addressed the sitting veterans of all ages and past wars with utmost respect and gratitude, “Thank you for your service. God bless you all. Thank you for raising me. Thank you for showing me that this country was worth it. Thank you for setting the bar high for us to exceed your standards. May God bless you. May God bless America. May God have mercy on anyone stupid enough to challenge us in the field of battle.” Applause lasted for several minutes, a testament to the deep respect and gratitude felt by all present.
Following the live oath of enlistment of the Space Force recruits, a 21-gun salute from the WNY National Cemetery Honor Guard closed the ceremony.
Initiated in 2019, the USAF Space Force is the first new branch of the armed services since 1947 and is a testament to the ever-evolving nature of our military. The USAF Space Force consolidates satellite acquisition, budget, and multiple related services from across 60 different organizations into a unified efficient, effective function for space operations and superiority. This is a significant moment in our military history. Veterans in attendance thought the new recruits should feel proud and excited about their future service.