Silver Creek principal placed on leave

Silver Creek Middle School Principal Bethany Brown
IRVING — Silver Creek recently welcomed a new substitute Middle School Principal with an administrator now absent.
Middle School Principal Bethany Brown is on leave from her role with the District. Families of District students were notified that a substitute Principal, Sharon Huff, has assumed the duties as of Monday, Nov. 11.
At a recent Board of Education meeting held at the Seneca Nation of Indians Early Childhood Learning Center, Thursday, Huff was appointed retroactively as the substitute Middle School Principal.
“Thank you for stepping in when we needed you,” Superintendent Dr. Katie Ralston said to Huff at the recent meeting.
There was no mention of Brown on the agenda at the meeting. The Board of Education adjourned the recent meeting to executive session to discuss District matters away from public session.
Brown was appointed as Middle School Principal in November of 2021 on the recommendation of then-Superintendent Todd Crandall. Brown’s role with the District was then set to begin in January 2022. Upon her appointment, the District stated Brown had eight years of teaching experience, as well as three years as an Elementary School Principal and seven years as a Middle School Principal.
There has been no timetable or clarification made available by the District regarding Brown’s status as Silver Creek Middle School Principal. The appointment of Huff was done as a substitute, rather than an interim title, with no end date listed. Terms of the contract are to be determined under Ralston’s direction.
Huff began her time with the District as a long-term substitute in late September to address Special Education needs at Silver Creek High School. “I thoroughly enjoyed it, and then was provided with this opportunity,” Huff said.
Huff said of Silver Creek in her brief tenure so far, “It is such a kind, caring, wonderful staff. I just absolutely love the students.”
The District also recognized employees Katie Burke and Shannon Near for their efforts within the District. Ralston characterized the duo as “the dream team in the world of AIS (academic intervention services)”.
Since taking over as Superintendent in the summer of 2023, Ralston has welcomed several employees to Board meetings to highlight their efforts with the District.
“You deserve to be recognized,” Ralston said to Burke and Near.
At its recent meeting, the Board also appointed Taylor Potter as a permanent substitute at a rate of $225 per day. Denine Vara was appointed as a bus attendant; Cindy Thurston was appointed as a lunch monitor; Deanna Robbins shifted from the role of teacher aide to become a teaching assistant; and Michele Valentine was given permanent status as 12-month administrative aide. A Memorandum of Agreement was also approved between the District and Paula Redeye to serve as a mentor for the District’s Native American Education Coordinator.
The next Silver Creek Board of Education meeting is Thursday, Dec. 12 at 7 p.m.