
Fire merger talks set for Feb. 25

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Hanover Town Board member Aimee Rogers, left, and Supervisor Lou Pelletter, right, listen to comments at a recent Town Board meeting.

HANOVER — Interested parties in the Town of Hanover will soon have their say in major future decisions.

The Town of Hanover will be holding a public meeting on Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. at the Town Hall to discuss the pros and cons of consolidation of the five fire departments that serve the town into one fire district.

“It’s open to the public. We’d like to hear what everybody has to say,” Town Supervisor Lou Pelletter said. “… I’m hoping that everybody shows up to give their opinion.”

Pelletter has consistently been in support of consolidation in the form of a district to better serve the needs of the five fire departments. He does not want any of the departments to be dissolved or for any to lose their identity, but rather have more collaboration through purchasing, equipment and facilities and a more effective way to receive payment.

The Town of Hanover and representatives from the fire departments will receive input from Brad Pinsky, an attorney focused on Fire and Emergency Service agencies, and Noel Guttman, Chautauqua County Emergency Coordinator, regarding fire district consolidation. Legal requirements for any potential consolidation will likely be discussed, as well as financial impacts and other pertinent information.

The Town will also hold a public information session from 5-6:30 p.m. on Feb. 6 regarding its Comprehensive Plan. Town Board member Aimee Rogers stated the officials crafting the Comprehensive Plan are seeking input from residents on “where you’d like to see the town go in the next 10 years.” The open forum will also be held in the Town Hall.

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