
Fredonia trustees switch session schedule

Fredonia’s Board of Trustees is going back to holding its workshops and meetings on the same day.

Village officials decided in December to drop a year-long experiment with holding workshops on Wednesday mornings, separate from regularly scheduled meetings on Mondays. Both the workshops and the meetings will now be on the first and third Mondays of each month, in the trustees’ second floor meeting room at Village Hall.

The workshops are scheduled to start at 6 p.m., the regular meetings at 7 p.m.

Interestingly, though that will start this coming Monday, trustees have scheduled a special, closed meeting for 5 p.m. “The purpose of this special meeting is to enter into executive session to discuss personnel matters,” according to the legally required notice filed by Village Clerk Annemarie Johnston on Dec. 27.

The difference between a “workshop” and a “meeting” is not 100% clear. Some lawyers, and municipalities, hold that the state Open Meetings Law does not allow board members to vote on resolutions during workshops. However, Fredonia’s contracted law firm, Webster Szanyi, has counseled village trustees that they can do so.

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