
Cassadaga receives $50K for flood mitigation

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Matt Zarbo will be the Director of Engineering for the Village of Cassadaga’s water system capital improvement project.

CASSADAGA — Following concerns of rising lake levels and property damage along the shores of the lakes of Cassadaga, Chautauqua County has stepped up its assistance in a big way.

The Cassadaga Lakes Association (CLA) is set to receive up to an additional $50,000 to address lake flooding throughout the Village. The increased funding will be used to expand the analysis of the Village waterways in order to better address beaver dams, shallow creeks, and overgrown trees and brush.

“What we’re hoping with eco strategy is that it is more of a long-term thing so we’re not addressing it every couple months when the beavers decide to put (dams) back in again,” said Nancy Wickmark on behalf of the CLA.

The CLA receives $6,000 annually from the county’s 2% waterways occupancy tax. The $50,000 that will be awarded to the Village in increments will be in addition to the annual distribution, bringing the total amount received this year up to $56,000. This year to date, $15,000 has already been distributed to the CLA.

“This is equivalent to what we were hoping to get from them,” said Wickmark. There is also the potential for the annual $6,000 award to be increased in future years, according to Wickmark.

Submitted Photo The village of Cassadaga has experienced flooding this winter due to beaver dams, shallow creeks, and overgrown trees and brush.

In other substantial water related news in the Village, the capital project to improve the water system throughout the Village of Cassadaga took its next step forward.

Mayor Bill Dorman, Deputy Mayor Bill Astry, and Trustee Danna DuBois approved the hiring of Square Engineering, under the direction of Matt Zarbo, as the engineering firm for the project by a vote of 3-0. The Village Board was short two of its five members at the recent meeting with Cathy Cruver and Cindy Flaherty absent.

As due diligence, Astry contacted references for another engineering firm that expressed interest in the project. Thanks in part to the expertise Zarbo has with specific projects like Cassadaga’s and the familiarity between Zarbo and the Village’s needs, Astry made a motion to hire Zarbo.

Zarbo presented plans for the project to the Village Board multiple times over the past year. He also helped the Village secure a Water Infrastructure Improvement Act (WIIA) Grant of up to $5 million through the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation. Up to 60% of net project cost can be covered through the grant.

Regarding the State requirement for a community-wide lead pipe inventory, the Village has been in contact with the State and has compiled a list from residents. Village Clerk Annette McChesney explained to the Board and residents in attendance at the recent meeting that the State is seeking to eliminate all residential lead pipes within the next decade, as it stands now.

Also of note, Astry recently met with the Cassadaga Job Corps Academy. Both sides expressed interest in collaborating for projects in the future.

The Village is still waiting for the results of the NY Forward Grant program for potential upgrades throughout the Village. Wickmark presented alongside Deputy Clerk Roxanne Astry to the WNY Regional Economic Development Council in Buffalo earlier this year and received positive reviews from the panel.

Village Historian John Sipos also gave his yearly report at the recent Board meeting. Sipos presented the Board with a heavy binder full of meeting minutes, photos, and articles highlighting the Village. Sipos speaks about historic events during nearly every meeting’s public comment portion.

“I don’t have everything and I don’t know everything,” Sipos joked.

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