Elementary teacher receives tenure in Fredonia

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Fredonia Elementary Teacher Rachael Kibler received tenure at a recent meeting of the Board of Education.
Board of Education Vice President Lisa Powell Fortna ran the show at a recent meeting of the Board with Steve Johnston on vacation. Fortna said it was her “distinct honor” to have a tenure recommendation on the agenda for the meeting.
Fredonia Elementary Teacher Rachael Kibler was granted tenure by the Board of Education at its recent meeting. Kibler holds professional certification in Childhood Education from Grades 1-6 and Early Childhood Education from Birth-Grade 2. Her tenured position takes effect March 28.
“I am so grateful to have found my home here at Fredonia,” Kibler said. “Coming here four years ago, I wasn’t sure quite what I was getting into, and it ended up being one of the best decisions of my life thus far.”
Elementary Principal Mark Drollinger called Kibler “a lifelong learner who is always eager to try new strategies to enhance student engagement and achievement.” He also credited her welcoming classroom environment and strong relationships with students, families, and colleagues.
Superintendent Dr. Brad Zilliox said from frequently stopping in to visit her classroom, he feels the welcoming environment that Drollinger described. Zilliox noted how students interact with each other through active learning practices in Kibler’s classroom.
“The general energy is very positive, upbeat, and optimistic,” Zilliox said. “She does a great job relaying to the students that they can be successful, it’s just a matter of some hard work and dedication to what they are doing – ‘and let’s have some fun along the way.'”
Kibler thanked the District for the kind words of support moments before the Board voted in favor of her tenure appointment.
“I look forward to many more years of spreading that positivity, helping my students grow, and really making an impact,” Kibler said.
The Board of Education also approved the legal notice for the 2025-2026 budget vote. The legal notice showed the proposed budget listed as the lone proposition on the ballot. A public hearing on the proposed budget will be held on Tuesday, May 6 at 6 p.m. in the Fredonia High School Library. The budget vote will be held on Tuesday, May 20 from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m., unless amended by the District Clerk with the appropriate documentation.
Also of note, the Board of Education approved a one-year contract with Management Advisory Group, Inc., to serve as a consultant with District personnel regarding STAC and Medicaid forms. The contract runs from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2026. The cost to the District is $8,140 per year for STAC services and $12,163 per year for Medicaid services.
“In terms of bang for our buck, it’s very positive. We get a good return on this investment,” Zilliox said.
The Board also appointed several per diem substitutes for various roles in the District, including Claire McManus, Rebecca Mekus, Nicholas Savidge, Courtney Winship, Heather Shellenberg, David Riddle, Joshua Thurber, and Isabella Mignoli.
Michelle Meli was appointed as a Unified Basketball Aide through the completion of the season. Andrew Field was approved as a Boys Track Assistant Coach. Ashlynn Delcamp will be a volunteer assistant with the Modified and Varsity Girls Flag Football Teams.
Eight volunteers were approved to supervise the Varsity Trap Team: Jerry Kinney, Joshua Pierce, Brandon Mead, Kevin Malkowski, Dan Tomaszewski, Ethan Willebrandt, Paul Turo, and Craig Sullivan.
The Board also cast their ballots for the Chautauqua County School Boards Association Executive Committee. Four candidates – Jeff Chase, Teresa Guzman, Larry Lodestro, and Dr. Margaret Spence – were on the ballot for only four seats.
The next meeting of the Fredonia Board of Education will be on Tuesday, April 8 at 6 p.m. in the Fredonia High School Library.