Forestville student receives token in visit to D.C.

Submitted Photo Luke Bittinger, 13, is pictured with Congressman Nick Langworthy in Washington, D.C.
WASHINGTON — A memorable trip earlier this month was capped off with a token to commemorate the long road taken to get there.
Luke Bittinger, 13, was the recipient of a Congressional Challenge Coin from Congressman Nick Langworthy in Washington, D.C. earlier this month. Bittinger was given the token when he and his mother, Angela, visited the Capitol to share Luke’s story of dealing with a diagnosis of Type I diabetes.
Bittinger is a student at Forestville Middle/High School. He and his mother were invited to speak at the Capitol March 3-4 as part of the American Diabetes Association’s Call to Congress. They toured the Capitol and met with members of congress, including Langworthy, their local representative in Congress.
Langworthy then presented Luke and Angela Bittinger with a Congressional Challenge Coin, a token to signify honor and accomplishment. Originally a token given to members of the military for exemplary service, the use of Congressional Challenge Coins has expanded to any individual or group that is deemed worthy of recognition.
Luke Bittinger is an honor roll student with good attendance in school. He hopes to become a veterinarian when he grows up.
Angela Bittinger said.