Retirements continue to mount at Fredonia

OBSERVER Photo by Braden Carmen Fredonia Board of Education President Steve Johnston said the District’s recent retirements leave “big shoes to fill.”
Another crucial member to the day to day operations of the Fredonia Central School District is ready to say goodbye. After four decades of service to the District, David Winchell will be retiring from his role of Head Custodian on Aug. 9.
“He’s the type of guy who will just do anything for you,” Superintendent Dr. Brad Zilliox said of Winchell. He further characterized Winchell as helpful, polite, friendly, and as someone who “gets the job done.”
Business Administrator John Forbes highlighted that the retirements of Winchell and Randy Penharlow, Mechanic II/Groundskeeper – whose retirement was approved at a previous meeting – account for more than 70 years of experience that will be lost by the start of next school year.
Board of Education President Steve Johnston said the District’s recent retirements leave “big shoes to fill.”
The Board also approved the resignation of Caryn Nicosia, Teacher Aide. Per diem substitutes appointed by the District include Pam Maslak, Robert Ambrose, and Tammy Breth. Certified Extended Leave Substitutes appointed to non-probationary positions include Deb LaBarr and Regina Gonzalez.
A Summer Music Lesson Program under the direction of Andy Bennett, Music Department Instructional Leader, was also approved by the Board. The program will include 12 days of lessons, led by certified teachers at no cost to the District. Also of note, Molly Williams was approved as High School Musical Costume and Prop Co-Assistant, effective Feb. 5, with a stipend of $500.
Hayden Battaglia will be an intern with head coach Nick Bertrando for the varsity girls flag football season. Kayla Wiskup will coach the newly formed girls modified flag football team. Julie Sanders will coach girls varsity golf, with Alex Conti serving as a volunteer assistant with the team. Dave Lewis will be a volunteer assistant with the boys varsity golf team.
The Board also approved an increasingly familiar trip to Saratoga Springs, March 20-21 for students involved in the Spectator newspaper. High School Principal Darrin Paschke and Spectator Advisor Lisa Reinhardt will accompany students to the New York Press Association Awards, with costs covered by the Association, excluding transportation.
“I can’t stress enough how cool it is to be there with professional journalists. … It’s just a great opportunity for our kids,” Paschke said.
Elementary Principal Mark Drollinger also expressed thanks to community members who committed to visiting the school to read to students as part of Read Across America Week. Drollinger also thanked Dan Siracuse of the United Way for a donation of picture books.
The Board held a moment of silence at the commencement of the recent meeting in honor of Paula Mielke, a retired Fredonia Speech Language Teacher, who recently passed away.
The next meeting of the Fredonia Board of Education is Tuesday at 6 p.m. at the High School Library.