

Trump decisions are benefiting wealthy

“A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” Martin Luther King A budget is a moral document. What we fund is what we value. This budget does not value children or the elderly or ...

Taking action on renewables: Voices must be heard on RAPID Act

The opportunity for sending public comments to the New York Public Service Commission continues until April 18. Following the public comment period, the PSC may rubber stamp the RAPID Act (Renewable Action Through Project Interconnection and Deployment Act) — the latest attempt to accelerate ...

Reject the misnamed ‘Sunshine Protection Act’

Welcome to the first full day of spring. At long last, the hours of daylight exceed the hours of darkness. The winter’s snowfall has largely melted. Snow in the air after the beginning of spring is common. Even measurable snow can still fall. Whatever white stuff comes our way in ...

Rounding Third: Alien invaders are not just little green men

A minute after I opened my computer, it started screeching. The three loud alarms were accompanied with flashing mushrooming blobs. I felt my heart clutch. No. No. NO-O-O-O-O! I was sure it was a crash. The end of my laptop. The last time my blood ran that cold, was when my previous computer ...

Sprinkling through some current events

Here are a few things that caught my attention recently. — I am not an expert on water treatment and water treatment plants, and I don’t even live in Fredonia. However, if I were a taxpayer and read the recent OBSERVER story on the Health department’s survey of the village’s water ...

Hope science can benefit law, area

A strong and resilient law enforcement sector is vital to ensuring the health, well-being and safety of our families and our communities. Policing in America is rooted in community, and mutual trust between police agencies and the communities they serve are critical to maintaining public ...