
Political theater suspense keeps growing

I’ve avoided politics for the last few weeks because I’ve grown tired of a process that on the presidential level seems to go on for almost three years. First there is a period where candidates test the waters. If there is interest, they announce their candidacy to loud yet phony hoopla. All the while the media covers their every move in boring detail.

The next “important” step is the intra-party candidate debates. These are often nasty family slugfests where, in an admittingly unlikely scenario, I could envision a candidate running against his or her mother for the nomination accusing that mother of once stealing their allowance money.

After the primaries come the national party conventions that used to provide great television and an education in American politics. There were floor fights over the platform and which slates of delegates should be seated. They were democracy in action. Now conventions are just boring and often badly produced television shows.

Most of the coverage on television is repetitive and seems designed to attract viewers rather than inform them. A multitude of polls are used, often giving wildly different information with the accusation made that certain media outlets cherry pick polls that support their point of view. Also, no information is given as to a polls political orientation or accuracy in previous elections. I think the only beneficiaries of polls are the pollsters.

I think that the debates were a joke this year. President Joe Biden wasn’t really there for his only appearance. In the next Trump did all right but could have done better and all Harris could do was to make annoying faces. In the vice-presidential debate J.D. Vance came across as intelligent, well spoken, well informed and as someone capable of being president. Tim Wolz, to use his own words, came across as a “knucklehead.”

As I write this the momentum seems to be moving Trump’s way because Harris is a lackluster candidate which is proof that her lackluster presidential campaign in 2020 was no fluke. In her “responses” to questions Harris gives little evidence that she has a clear understanding of the issues facing the United states. Remarks by former staff members that she was disinterested in studying briefing papers give one the impression that she is intellectually lazy. When she calls Trump a fascist I question if she knows any of fascisms history or can even define the word.

But Harris was all the Democrats had after the Obama-Pelosi instigated coup where Biden was tossed aside in a messy and undemocratic action by a party that claims that they are all that stands between MAGA Republicans and the destruction of our democracy. For over three years Democrats covered up Biden’s declining cognitive abilities but after he fell on his face in the June debate, they had to do something. What they did was ignore the will of Democratic voters.

I hope there will be a decision on a winner early on election night, but at least one by early on Wednesday morning. Then. Unless someone like Congressman Jamie Raskin come up with a new angle on “hanging chads” it will all be over and we will all return to a normal life with normal news about wars, famines, financial panics, and other mundane things.

In the debate between District 150 Assembly Candidates Mike Bobseine and Andrew Molitor both men made some good points on the issue of whether it is better to send a Democrat to Albany to join the large Democratic majority or a Republican to join that minority.

In my opinion Molitor is correct when he says that one party rule in Albany is doing no one any favors. He is correct in saying that Democratic progressives have virtually destroyed the state’s criminal justice system allowing criminals to walk our streets. They have also passed a wetlands bill with scant consideration of its impact on upstate landowners. Now a New York City Democratic Assemblyman is attempting to pass a bill that would require all new cars to come equipped with what is called an “Intelligent Speed Assistant” a device that would tell drivers when they go over the speed limit and will probably add several hundred dollars to the cost of a new car.

One party rule is always bad, and a smaller minority makes it even worse. Even if it is small we need that vocal minority in Albany calling out the majority when they pass legislation that unnecessarily extends the powers of government to intrude in our lives, are just plain dumb or do damage to the rural community.

I will not be voting for “Proposal Number One” because it is a bad piece of legislation being pushed by the Democratic majority that will create new constitutional rights that will result in the removal of the necessity of parental consent for health decisions impacting their minor children meaning minor children would be granted the right to transgender and other medical practices without parental notification. It will open the door to allow biological males who identify as females to participate in girls’ sports.

Further, in creating “national origin” as a new protected class Prop 1 creates a constitutional basis to continue giving state taxpayer supported benefits to illegal aliens including a migrants “right” to shelter. It will essentially do the same for our governor’s plan to grant work permits to illegals and many say that it may be the basis for granting the vote to illegal aliens.

My advice, which you can take or leave, is that if you value your children’s lives and don’t want our already high taxes going higher to support illegal aliens, vote no.

Thomas Kirkpatrick is a Silver Creek resident. Send comments to editorial@observertoday.com

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