

Building a better future for county

Ask most people what a construction worker looks like and they’ll likely describe a man wearing a bright yellow hard hat and vest directing traffic, using a jackhammer, or pouring cement at a dangerous-looking construction site. That’s because most of us don’t see many construction ...

Closings open bishops to scrutiny

The locally projected Diocesan church closings continue to expose the failed leadership from its clerical administrative ranks. The political and financial machinations of Bishops is obviously juxtaposed to the faithful body that is still standing and trying to preserve the good that is left of ...

‘Roots of American Order’ worth reading

The year 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of The Roots of American Order, one of the many outstanding works by 20th century man of letters Dr. Russell Kirk. The Roots of American Order is a book for everyone. It’s for high-school American history pupils. It’s for college ...

Countdown to the Big Day

‘Twas the week before Christmas … and I had just whined in last week’s column about getting everything done. My mother always said, “If you’ve got your health, you have everything. You’re healthy, so what is your problem?” Fast forward to this past week. We were driving ...

In defense of the blue flame

Sometimes, in the heat of advocating for a cause, things get overstated and distorted. This has been the case where some, alleging that it would improve the environment, have been pushing to stop the use of all natural gas in our state. Just think what that would mean? The largest source of ...

Holidays lost in World War II battles

Here in our little part of the world as it nears Christmas day, we shop, we bake cookies and prepare for the festivities that will arrive on Dec. 25. The preparation begins after Thanksgiving dinner. Thoughts of presents, delectable foods and the coziness of being together with family are the ...