I found the OBSERVER story this week about Jenna and Eric Schwab confronting the Silver Creek School Board and administration regarding the district’s decision to change the manner in which it offers experience in the library very interesting.
Jenna Schwab stressed the importance of ...
The commentary headlined “Making whine from sour grapes” (Feb. 8) was astonishing. I could hardly read it without being overwhelmingly aware that its writers are not aware of what they reveal about themselves in writing it.
Their own “whining” repeats the same lies and ...
It wasn’t that long ago that the Grand Old Party (GOP) was advocating for free trade and the elimination of tariffs and trade restrictions. The party also advocated for a bi-partisan foreign policy encouraging strong relationships with our allies through alliances like NATO in order to ...
Fredonia Mayor Michael Ferguson’s recent Facebook post as published in the OBSERVER (Feb. 11) raises some important questions. The post promised that Fredonia is “in the midst of our last water study to determine our direction. One that after a lot of hard work cost our taxpayers nothing to ...
Think of the excellence of the system we have now. Anyone can go to the local council or the County Legislature and say their piece without fear.
I have never worried the police will come to my door because of something I wrote in the paper. I have never been afraid to call my representative ...
Anyone living in or visiting Chautauqua County at the beginning of 2025 can’t miss hearing about all the wonderful economic development underway here. Cities, towns, and villages are seeing improved infrastructure; new, upgraded, or expanded businesses and industries; and lots of planning ...