

POLICING Town missing reality on costs


Town of Dunkirk elected officials have some reasons to be annoyed. City of Dunkirk officials have proposed upping the cost for police patrols in and around the town for 2025. All the while, calls from town leaders to Dunkirk City Hall are not being returned. But there is a bigger picture ...

Resistance is growing to Trump kingdom


Last month I knew I would run out of room, so I ended with “to be continued.” It is continuing, all right. It’s gotten worse. It seems we now have a monarchy, with King Donald Trump. This has been confirmed by none other than his highness himself. And his fiefdom of serfs and ...

Renewable issue too ‘close’ to home


“I think it is not a good idea to put this (battery energy storage systems) so close to so many important things,” said Silver Creek High School student Molly Shaw. She and her parents spoke at a public hearing regarding the proposed 250 MW Northland Power Ball Hill BESS that was held last ...

High court considers another gun challenge


Before the U.S. Supreme Court is another challenge affecting guns. Yet by all indications, the decision — like the 2024 decision on bumpstocks — won’t be about the Second Amendment. Let’s pick up where we left off on the day of that 2024 decision. What a statute, passed by Congress ...

Inferno scars remain 15 years later in city

Editor's corner

Upstate cities have been struggling to reinvent their downtowns since the 1980s. Once small and major retail moved out, so did a lot of the car and foot traffic. It was an exodus that left the once thriving and bustling sections of the business district less energized while looking a bit ...

FORESTVILLE: Tax warning part of coming issues


Forestville Central Schools knew a tax increase was coming for district residents. Superintendent John O’Connor was very open about the possibility when talking about the budget last year at this time. In the proposal for 2025-26, the increase is 2.3%. What’s more concerning is what ...