
People’s column

Maintain tradition

of court access


The editors last week in the OBSERVER’s View said that the Town of Arkwright, in the midst of construction plans, should jointly build a new Town Hall with the Town of Villenova.

With the establishment of the Town of Sheridan in 1827, every residence in Chautauqua County became within an hour’s walk of a Town Hall and the Courts retained within.

At that time, court access was a concern as the heads of household in Chautauqua County were predominantly farmers negotiating property rights.

This was not the rule among New York State Counties at that time. Nassau County, roughly the same size as Chautauqua County, has never had more than three towns, despite earlier settlement than Chautauqua County.

I conclude that the maintenance of tradition in court access needs to be preserved into the future.

I was Deputy Clerk of the Town of Pomfret from 2005-2006.



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