
Peoples column

People’s column

Getting out the most eligible Editor, OBSERVER: Here’s some ways you can help in the Election Day process: 1. Register Voters. Get the voting-eligible population on the voter lists. In a typical presidential election year, no more than 60 percent of the voting-eligible population chooses ...

People’s column

Unfair climate with speech Editor, OBSERVER: Thomas Jefferson repeatedly said that a properly functioning democracy depends on an informed electorate. Fully aware of this, President Joe Biden’s “climate czar,” John Kerry, in his recent comments to the elite’s World Economic Forum, ...

Commentary was full of ‘wrongs’

Editor, OBSERVER: A recent opinion piece “We must open our eyes to Mideast wrongs” (Sept. 25) is poorly conceived. The suggestion that the Native Americans lacked disease because of a “human right to clean water” is silly. Europeans had more exposure to deadly diseases because of ...

People’s column

Community should cherish entertainment at SUNY Editor, OBSERVER: Wow! I saw a video on Facebook and thought if they are as good as they look on the post, I want to be there. I was not disappointed. I was elated! The Doo-Wop Project last month at the Rockefeller Arts Center on the State ...

People’s column

‘Caring people’ make difference Editor, OBSERVER: I wish to thank all of those who worked so hard to make the benefit on Aug. 25 such a success. This includes the businesses and people who donated products, money and time. This is such a great community that we all live in and it is ...

People’s column

Centers overstep educational boundaries Editor, OBSERVER: These comments are in response to an article in the OBSERVER headlined, “Calming centers in schools.” The bill is proposed by state lawmaker Shantel ...