
WALLEYE Looking to lure major tournament


What do Chamberlain, S.D., Sturgeon Bay, Wis., Huron, Ohio, Mobridge, S.D., and Otter Tail Lake, Minn., have that Dunkirk deserves? A role in the National Walleye Tour.

In fact, with the exception of Huron, none of these locations are on Lake Erie. It is why city Mayor Wilfred Rosas has reached out to organizers of this event. “I think we have talked to those folks, but we haven’t solidified anything as of yet, but the city is definitely looking to help with promoting these fishing derbies, we budgeted some funds in the budget this year,” Rosas said. “We are more than willing to work with them and we will probably reach out to them to let them know that the city would like to work with them to hopefully bring that here.”

Every year — except for the summer of the pandemic — walleye fishing has been highlighted during the annual Lake Erie VIP Day in August at the Northern Chautauqua Conservation Club. That must continue, especially with higher-profile events.

City officials have an uphill climb if money is the issue. If that is the case, leaders may need to lure in New York state for some assistance to bring the major tourney here.

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