DUNKIRK: ‘Trouble’ ahead with big budget
This month’s finance committee gave Dunkirk residents some dreadful insight as to potential leadership in the city after this administration. With Republicans gaining momentum — while doing nothing in the last four years to better it — they received a bleak picture of the current money situation.
City Treasurer Mark Woods indicated there is need to take out a loan since cash is only trickling in. Thus, the city — with a budget of $26 million — could have a hard time paying keeping up with the bills
“We’re not in any situation where we have a surplus in revenue. It’s just not there. We’re holding our own,” Woods said. “If there’s anything out of the ordinary, we’re in trouble. That’s just the way it is.”
Dunkirk — and many of the other governmental entities — have gotten too fat for their own good. Once the COVID cash and American Rescue Plan Act funds have been used, they will be penalizing property owners by increasing taxes or fees.
Councilman At-Large David Damico already has indicated as much. As a mayoral candidate, he’s already looking to get more out from residents who pay too much in taxes already. “The question down the road, at the end of the day — how do we increase these revenue streams moving forward?” Damico said.
Realistically, you do not. You begin to look at ways to reduce spending.
But that’s not the Republican way in Chautauqua County. Most of those elected from the so called “fiscally conservative party” are looking to maintain the status quo.
That is not efficient. Though it sure is expensive.