COUNTY: Grape freeze impacts economy
Chautauqua County is known across the nation — and world — for its prized grape crop. On April 25, however, a spring freeze created havoc for many vineyards near Lake Erie.
That event will have tremendous consequences on the region. First, it hits the hard-working farmers hard. Vineyards require a great deal of work and time throughout all season. Second, it impacts the area economy. With crop damage, this means some of the help used annually will not be working when the annual harvest takes place.
Cornell Cooperative Extensions numbers offer a tale of the devastation. According to a document prepared in May by Terry Bates at Cornell’s Lake Erie Research and Extension Laboratory Regional Grape Program, projected crop loss ranges from around 15-20% at the state border in Ripley, to 50-75% in Westfield, to 80-100% near Silver Creek. By comparison, 0-5% of the grape crop near North East, Pa. may have been affected by the freeze.
“At this point we are encouraging that growers continue to care for their vineyards despite the low tonnage, because we are also farming for next year’s crop potential which is developing this season,” said Jennifer Phillips Russo, viticulture specialist for the regional Regional Grape Program.
Despite what was an overall mild winter, one untimely frost has done a great deal of damage to a major piece of the region’s economy. It is a bitter and sour outcome.