
HANOVER: Finding future direction for town

One of the hot topics recently in the town of Hanover involves the possibility of a new hotel. Another topic revolves around the future use of Lakeshore Hospital, which could become a behavioral and mental health facility.

In any event, the town is currently preparing to update its 24-year-old comprehensive plan — and input from residents is being sought regarding where they would like to see Hanover in the next five to 10 years. A comprehensive plan establishes a community-based vision and general guide to decision-making for the next decade.

Last week, an open house sought community comment. For those who missed the meeting, but believe they have some ideas, the town noted contacts for two individuals: Hanover board member Aimee Rogers at 716-870-5087 or Hanover Planning Board Chairman Rick Klisiewicz at 716-410-7425.

As a community that includes the waterfront of Lake Erie – and a summer destination of Sunset Bay — there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the town’s future. Feedback for the future is vital to even more success.

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