
Young paces Ladies Tour

RANDOLPH — Kaye Young’s 92 led the gross scores in the Ladies Golf Tour at Cardinal Hills Golf Course.

Following are the flight leaders, using the modified Stableford scoring system: Young plus-3, Sharon Birtcil plus-1 and Mary Rich minus-1, A Flight; Cindy Paulmier even-0, Grace Wheeler minus-1 and Cathy Shelley minus-2, B Flight; Amy Stewart plus-2, Donna Germain plus-2, Mary Hustead even-0 and Pam Delvernois minus-2; and Donna Herzog plus-4, Rita Dunlap plus-3, Helen Adams minus-3 and Pamela McAfee minus-3.

Birtcil was closest to the pin on Nos. 9 and 11.

The next match will be at 9 a.m. June 17 at Breezewood Golf Links.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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