

Deb Queer’s 227-523 led the Women’s A League at Lucky Lanes.

Sara Tulipane rolled a 164-178-175-517 and Judy Langworthy had a 223-509.

High games were turned in by: Denise Sievert (190), Debbie Skinner (182, 180), JoAnne Morris (182, 169), April Jagoda (170), Betty Carvella (163) and Jackie Grant (163).


Chris Tofil’s 215-256-662 paced the Wednesday Night 4-Man League at Lucky Lanes.

Steve Krystofiak Jr. followed Tofil with a 246-207-633, Dakota Griewisch had a 233-203-630, Ron Mroczka had a 222-225-621, Tom Jagoda spun a 214-216-620, Brad Bixby had a 257-617, Lee Szalkowski had a 247-207-615, Tricia Laurito dropped a 222-217-615, Scott Kawski spilled a 256-613 and Erick Griewisch had a 210-203-612.

High games were turned in by: Bob Cerrie (222), Kyle Berkshire (219), Steve Krystofiak (216), Todd Ellman (210) and Bruce Tarnowski (210).

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