Early deer season special begins on Saturday

The deer are starting to gather in fields and woodlots. Please be careful on the roadways as daylight periods begin to shorten. Photo by James Monteleone
With the arrival of September and the end of Labor Day, a significant change in the season is evident. The kids are back in school, the leaves are turning, and the whitetail deer are beginning to gather in groups, preparing for the upcoming rut (mating season) in early November.
Our local conservation clubs are busy providing 3D archery practice for big-game bow hunters who need to build their arrow shooting skills, adjust their sight pins and otherwise get themselves into better shape for the hunting season. Big game archery season in the southern zone of NYS begins each year on Oct. 1, 30 minutes before sunrise. Each hunting day runs through daylight until 30 minutes after sunset. The light transition periods are the best times for success, so say the whitebeard experts, but some of the biggest deer have also been taken at midday periods.
Because we have so many deer here in Western New York and in many other Wildlife Management Units (WMU) of NYS, the DEC has recognized that we may need an additional season to thin out the herds. It’s our responsibility to maintain a balanced ecosystem. Farmers and village residents, in particular, know that the deer eat most of their yard flowers and vegetable gardens when such areas are left unfenced and unprotected. Plus, the high number of deer contributes to vehicle accidents, and the number is rising. That’s one way insurance companies notify the DEC that a longer season or some other adjustment is needed, like a special season.
Several Wildlife Management Unit zones have been determined to have too many deer. Visit the NYSDEC WMU map online to assess the rather large area of WMU 9A and 9F, the only two nearby Region 9 units. Other such WMUs include WMU 3M, 3R, 8A, 8F, 8G, 8J, 8N, 9A and 9F. Surprisingly, the DEC has created a SPECIAL EARLY ANTLERLESS SEASON for deer that will run from Sept. 14-22, where hunters may use firearms, crossbows, or vertical bows to harvest antlerless deer. Only antlerless deer, those without antlers or having antlers less than three inches long, may be harvested during the early antlerless deer season.
Note that hunters must still tag their deer and may only use valid Deer Management Permits (DMPs) or Deer Management Assistance Program (DMAP) tags.
Many early-season archery hunters consider this early hunting season rather upsetting because firearms and crossbows are allowed. Whitebeard archery bowhunters say that shooting guns early scares the deer and makes hunting deer more difficult, especially for the big bucks when the official early archery begins on Oct. 1. Deer are sensitive to “new noise” in their bedroom and feeding areas. They avoid these areas. Hence, the idea of “more difficult” is explained.
Many hunters like the idea of the special early antlerless hunting season, just as many object to it. If deer herds have diminished your garden, find a hunter and provide him with your location. You can tell him archery-only if you prefer no gunshot noise, but most folks with too many deer do not care how the deer herd is diminished. The hunter must follow the hunting rules for safety, though, which means no firearms discharge within 500 feet of a building, 250 feet for crossbow, and 150 feet for archery. Read the exact rule to determine the variances allowed. No use of rifles in WMUs and county areas where they are not allowed. They are not permitted in Erie County, so no rifles are allowed in WMU 9F and the official ruling for rifles in Niagara County (9A) is still awaiting the governor’s signature..
Hunters using firearms during any season must wear a solid or patterned fluorescent orange or fluorescent pink hat, vest, or jacket while hunting. Hunters should also remember that a recent law change removed the requirement for hunters to wear a backtag while hunting anywhere in New York State. It’s anybody’s guess as to why this rule has been changed. Landowners have preferred that hunters wear an identification back tag number to identify the hunter. Hunters are still required to carry a license on their person or cellphone.
Important: Hunters need to use common sense firearms safety during hunting seasons, especially in this particular early season when archery and firearm folks are in the woods together. Modern-day ground blinds are painted in highly concealable camo color. No orange! Look beyond your shot, especially if you are hunting with a firearm in this early season or anytime. Check out the area downrange to be certain no archery hunter and no firearm hunter with an orange vest is sitting inside a totally concealed blind. Safety is paramount. Better to be totally safe.
Last but not least, Captain David Adrian of AquaTech Charters: “The fantastic Lake Erie walleye bite continues, even after Labor Day.” Dave laments, “It’s funny how fishermen and boaters just put away their gear on Labor Day, right?” Adrain will be chartering into October for walleye, perch, bass, and anything else you might want to catch. Just call him directly at 716-963-6480.Gotta love the NY outdoors.
Take note that the Hanover Fish & Game Club will host a 3-bird Fall Fun Shoot at their club located at 780 Overhiser Road, Forestville. Targets will be set by 2022 NYS Sporting Clays Champion, Angelo Toto. Registration opens at 8 a.m., shooting starts at 9 a.m. with the last squad at 11 a.m. Cost is $45 for the main event, $10 for the optional Lewis. This shoot features a three-bird presentation, therefore a pump or semi-automatic shotgun is required. ATVs and golf carts are welcome. Register at the club on www.scorechaser.com.
Outdoor Calendar:
Sept. 14: Fourth annual Chautauqua Lake Falleye Fishing Classic, Prendergast Point Boat Launch, 6AM-2PM. Open to all. Register on site. Contact Dillan LaBarbera for info: 716-499-7545.
Sept. 14-22: NYS early antlerless 2024 deer season (firearms allowed), check specific Wildlife Management Units (WMUs).
Sept. 15: Deadline for waterfowl hunting applications to Oak Orchard/Tonawanda WMAs. Visit NYSDEC online.
Sept. 21: Southtowns Walleye Association of WNY, 1-Day walleye tournament, 12:01 a.m.-noon. Weigh-in 12-noon to 2 p.m. at 5895 Southwestern Blvd., at the clubhouse. $45 registration. Contact Paul Sanchez for info: 716-228-6520.
Sept. 21-22: WNY Walleye Association, Lake Erie Walleye Tournament, contact Ron Kucinski: 716-545-5925, or email: kucinski1293@gmail.com.
Sept. 28: National Hunting and Fishing Day
Sept. 28: Hanover Fish & Game, three-bird fall fun shoot, Registration 8 a.m, Shooting starts 9 a.m; 780 Overhiser Road., Forestville. Open to the public.