Adult bowling
Brad Bixby tossed a perfect game en route to a 300-204-215-719 series to lead the Wednesday Nite 4-Man League at Lucky Lanes.
Dakota Griewisch followed Bixby with a 231-202-246-679, Scott Kawski had a 223-221-224-668, Chad Cerrie rolled a 234-220-205-659, Ron Mroczka had a 203-257-652, Steve Krystofiak Jr. cracked a 230-223-644, Rick Kelleher had a 203-243-641, Erick Griewisch had a 218-235-637, Mike Cerrie spun a 254-620, Mike Lucas had a 236-614, Todd Ellman drilled a 205-210-609, Lee Szalkowski had a 236-608 and Nate Manzella dropped a 213-222-608.
High individual games were turned in by: Ken Ferry (222), Jeff Griffin (206), Allen Nagel (209), Tom Jagoda (210, 217), Dave Meadows Jr. (245), Steve Krystofiak (202), Mike Woloszyn (207) and Nick Abdo (221).
In previous league action, Bixby led the way with a 289-257-739, followed by Kawski (214-242-279-735), Manzella (244-237-670), Kelleher (221-206-234-661), Mike Cerrie (258-215-657), Szalkowski (207-202-238-647), Phil Maslak (245-215-644), Dave Meadows Sr. (214-236-643), Jagoda (246-622), Jack Reading (224-203-615) and Lucas (226-604).
High individual games were turned in by: Ellman (202), Greg Haase (201), Ferry (209), Dave Meadows Jr. (202, 204), Krystofiak (205, 207), Krystofiak Jr. (223), Tricia Laurito (237), Bob Cerrie (204), Dennis Keppel (218) and Woloszyn (245).
Mike Lucas drilled a 247-234-680 and Bryson Pacos rolled a 200-246-233-679 to lead the Monday Nite Lou Nocek BII League at Lucky Lanes on Feb. 12.
Steve Dando rolled a 245-205-649, Emily Dillenburg (258-201-640), Kyle Berkshire (220-226-638), Dan Patterson (211-211-210-632), Trace Mackenzie (244-224-628), Nate Barlette Dye (241-214-619) and Greg Haase (258-607).
High individual games were turned in by: Josh Ellman (221), Jim Balzer (221), Dean Wright (202), Adam Suraf (202), Keith Martell (200), Frank Leibel (200), Justin Powell (216, 202), Brain Hilliker (201), Fiore Conti (214) and Dennis Keppel (213).
In previous league action, Berkshire was perfect en route to a 300-206-237-743.
Barlette Dye followed Berkshire with a 261-277-712. Robert Patterson Jr. cracked a 228-269-685, followed by Mike Lucas (289-661), Scott Jagoda (258-211-651), Dan Patterson (213-236-643), Dando (277-640), Alex Haase (209-207-221-637), Pacos (213-224-627), Suraf (211-232-626) and Greg Haase (244-208-625).
High individual games were turned in by: Balzer (228), Powell (230), Hilliker (240), Andrew Conti (201) and Keppel (204).
During the Bob Frame Tuesday Night Bowling League, The Boys from Dunkirk rolled the high team series with a 2,604.
Steve Dando turned in the top individual series with a 236-222-218-676. High individual games were tossed by: Brian Meyer (233), Keith Martell (220), Rick Mazurek (210, 202), John Boner (205), Art Howard (202), Steve Rivera (203) and Neil Auge (200).
In previous league action, Alex Haase led the way with a 264-264-256-784, Dando spun a 207-215-614 and Rivera had a 220-201-610.
FERSUE had the high team series with a 2,588.
High individual games were turned in by: Martell (204, 225), Meyer (254), Bill Rivera (224), Mike Nobles (213) and Mazurek (213).
On Feb. 4, Alex Haase tossed a perfect game to lead off a 300-205-202-707 series.
High individual games were thrown by: Rich Joy (213), Mazurek (207), Boner (202), Dan Astry (201), Dando (201), Vern Pchelka (201) and Meyer (200).
FERSUE had the high team series with a 2,600.
Judy Langworthy blasted a 193-266-245-704 to pace the Women’s A League at Lucky Lanes last week.
Maitland Langworthy rolled a 191-222-178-591, Shelly Coon had a 171-186-514 and Sara Tulipane spun a 166-169-177-512.
High individual games were turned in by: Mary Butcher (168), April Jagoda (160), JoAnne Morris (164, 164), Jane Rose (169), Denise Sievert (160, 170) and Debbie Skinner (171).
In previous league action, Judy Langworthy led the way with a 234-204-173-611, followed by Butcher (163-208-525), Maitland Langworthy (196-510) and Morris (200-501).
High individual games were turned in by: Abi Gloss (188), Jagoda (183), Rose (176), Skinner (202) and Tulipane (165, 196).
Nick Abdo’s 279-244-692 led the Frank Galfo Memorial “A” League at K&L Lanes on Jan. 27.
Ryan Robe spun a 266-215-650, followed by Bert Wilkins (249-222-650), Alex Dailey (239-211-643), Mike Howard (235-223-633), Derek Bixby (242-632), Mike Krzemien (223-211-622), Brian Schulz (245-608), Cayleb Davis (215-603) and Mike McKeever (205-202-602).
High individual games were tossed by: Dave Gabel (232, 202), Eric Chimino (229), Nick Watkins (226), Mark Martin (221), Joey Sweda (218, 202), Greg Reynolds (215), Mike D’Amico (214, 208), Justin Clareus (214), Tom Storey (211), Ed Abdo (210), Kurt Stitzel (203), Oscar Waterman (203) and Tom Postle Jr. (200).
On Feb. 3, Bixby led the way with a 268-247-234-749.
Davis rolled a 247-235-201-683, followed by Earl Schiedel (243-213-204-660), McKeever (268-200-651), Dailey (242-202-632), Nick Abdo (223-204-202-629), Jack Frost Jr. (224-208-610), Tom Postle III (224-216-608), Chrissy Gruber (249-190-605), Wilkins (221-202-605) and Krzemien (247-201-602).
High individual games were thrown by: D’Amico (227), Clareus (226, 217), Howard (225), Robe (224), Schulz (222), Mike Chimino (213), Pat Richter (205), Martin (204), Eric Chimino (201), Waterman (201) and Storey (201).
On Feb. 10, Mike D’Amico led the league with a 253-244-202-699 and Eric Chimino had a 246-226-205-677.
Robe spun a 268-643, followed by Martin (231-205-200-636), Mike Chimino (221-213-202-636), Wilkins (269-628), Roy Dailey (224-207-622), Nick Abdo (214-206-200-620), Gruber (209-202-201-612) and Waterman (252-216-604).
High individual games were turned in by: Watkins (224), McKeever (224), Alex Dailey (223), Krzemien (218), Fran Kuras (213), Clareus (209), Frost (206), Storey (203) and Postle (200).