
We live in Steelhead Alley; crappie live here, too

Photo courtesy of Chautauqua Reel Outdoors The crappies and perch have moved into the canals at Ashville Bay Marina, and fishing from shore has been productive, but variable with the weather.

Visitors often embark on long journeys, filled with anticipation, to spend a few hours on the renowned creeks of Chautauqua County that flow into Lake Erie. The fishing experience is so exceptional that the area has earned a distinctive title — “Steelhead Alley.” This stretch in Chautauqua County encompasses Chautauqua Creek in Westfield, Canadaway Creek in Dunkirk/Fredonia, Silver Creek and Walnut Creek in the village of Silver Creek, and Cattaraugus Creek in Irving. Each stream, along with its tributaries, offers the unique opportunity to catch giant fish in small waters.

Winter snows turned to spring melt really fast this year. The water flows from Chautauqua Ridge to the tributary streams of Lake Erie, provide notice to the steelhead from Lake Erie deep to enter the creeks — some brown trout are included in the invitation. Designated public parking areas are located near many of the tributaries that offer easy access for anglers and families. Trib fishing for trout from mid-March through the end of April can provide extraordinary and unforgettable moments. The water is cold, so you usually need to dress warmly (wool socks are a good idea). Wear waders or high boots, bring your fishing rod (with good line), a thermos bottle and your camera, and the fish will take care of the rest. So many fish, so little time.

Steelhead, with an average length of 16 to 22 inches, occasionally reaching 24 to 30 inches, provide a fun challenge for anglers. Just imagine the thrill of catching one of these magnificent fish. While most anglers release the fish they catch (steelhead can live for decades), regulations do permit harvest for the table: three fish/day/angler, 12-inch minimum. Rules: https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/7917.html.

Chautauqua Creek crosses Route 5 just south of the Route 394 traffic signal and offers free angler parking and immediate access to the creek. A short walk downstream will offer a full view of Lake Erie, another hotspot for anglers who prefer to cast small spinners and spoons. A short walk upstream will reveal quieter waters, riffles, crossing rifts, and tree falls with nearby deep holes — good water for fly fishermen and egg sac anglers with a bobber. Fishing with a bobber and some kids with you is an easy fishing style. Study a map at https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/chautauquacreek.pdf.

Canadaway Creek near Dunkirk offers excellent tributary fishing for nearly six miles upstream to Laona Falls. A map is at this link: https://www.dec.ny.gov/docs/fish_marine_pdf/canadawaycreek.pdf.

Silver Creek joins Lake Erie in the village of Silver Creek, where fishing is often good beneath every bridge, including the historically famous railroad bridge at the mouth at the end of Jackson Street. Walnut Creek flows into Silver Creek near the mouth and crosses beneath Route 5 right in the village of Silver Creek, offering access and great fishing from there all the way upstream to Forestville.

When taking kids fishing, it’s important to ensure their safety. Cattaraugus Creek, the largest of all the Chautauqua County Lake Erie tributaries, provides shore angling and boat fishing at the mouth of the stream. Not to be outdone by anglers in waders, Barcelona Harbor and Dunkirk Harbor provide steelhead fishing access for those who can’t go far from their car. Casting from the piers with a spinner or spoon is top-notch, or many sitting in lawn chairs there cast a slip-bobber and an egg sac or minnow to catch fresh run steelies. Just bring a long-handled net. It’s about 4-feet to the water from the pier edge. The fish are big. Take a kid fishing there but be sure to fit the kids with a personal floatation device (life preserver) to ensure their safety.

If you’re not sure what to do, contact a local stream guide and book a trip. It’s the best way to learn. Here are a few of the best: Marty Kleeman, 716-410-3720, http://www.canadawaycreekoutfitters.com/; Alberto Rey, Orvis-endorsed, 716-410-7003, www.albertorey.com; Julie Szur, Orvis-endorsed, 716-481-6619, https://www.flyfishingjulieszur.com/. Go get ’em.

At Chautauqua Reel Outdoors, located on the Ashville Bay Canals at the Marina, Mike Sperry reports that the crappie and perch have entered the canals and that the bite good earlier in week, last week. The water temperature in the canals was 48-52 degrees on Thursday but is fluctuating with the weather changes. Sperry reminds anglers that the minimum length for crappie is 10-inches. He has various minnows in the bait tank including Rosy Reds and Fatheads, and redworms, spike grubs, mealworms, and egg sacs. Call Mike at 716-763-2947.

Gotta love the outdoors.


March 22: Hanover Fish and Game, sporting clay fun shoot, 9:30 AM start, 780 Overhiser Rd., Forestville.

March 22: NWTF Chautauqua Lake Chapter, annual banquet, American Legion Post 556, 9 Meadow Lane, Frewsberg, 5PM start, Info: 716-499-2726, tickets: https://events.nwtf.org/320070-2025/tickets.

March 22: NY Hunter Education, Carroll Rod and Gun, 1111 Frew Run Rd., Frewsberg, NY, 8AM-5PM, register online: https://www.register-ed.com/events/view/222045; Free, must complete homework prior to class.

March 23: DEC Summer Camp for Youth, registrations open; visit https://dec.ny.gov/things-to-do/summer-camps.

March 29: NY Hunter Education, Springville Field/Stream, 8900 Chaise Rd, Springville, 9AM-5:30PM, register online: https://www.register-ed.com/events/register/224954; Free, must complete homework prior to class.

April 1: Opening Day for NYS Inland Trout Season

NOTE: Send Calendar info or related outdoor news to forrestfisher35@yahoo.com.

Starting at $2.99/week.

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